
Showing posts from 2016

When One Thinks Thoughts of Truth

When one thinks thoughts of Truth -  Gifts appear. When one thinks thoughts of Non-Truth - Lessons appear.

The 3 Secrets to Becoming a Manifesting Magnet

Source: The Manifesting Super Gold Pack   By Mind Power News   Manifesting is an art and a science that deals with finding your unlimited potentiality as a human being. When you increase your frequency and move into an expanded state of consciousness that is aligned with the all intelligent, all powerful Universe, you will naturally create, allow and attract your desires with joy and effortless ease! You were born with the most powerful manifesting mechanics already inside you. You already are a super manifesting machine who can magnetize anything that you desire into your life. The only thing stopping you from experiencing this is the doubt and fear that you aren't this, or haven't fully accepted this as the deepest truth of your reality. These 3 secrets will help you to transcend any blocks stopping you from receiving your desires or dream life. Once your resistance is released you can step fully into your power and experience yourself as t...

Superb Article Must Read

By By Jason and Skye Mangrum, Authors of Uberman! Almost Super Human

Do You Want To Feel Safe All The Time?

Most of us think of being dead and being in Heaven as synon ymous with safety. W hat most do not know is, that we are in Heaven at the same time as we  are here in our physical bodies. We a re truly in two places at once. Most believe the soul never dies but the fa ct m any don't know, and have never ever d reamed of  is, that ene rgy o r soul is able to be in many places at one time. If we a cknowledge that G od is all creative and i f we a re enlightened to know that we a re G od,  it then follows that we a re c re ating our life ourselves. I f our s ubconscious is our link to the creative power of our life it stands to reason. what we bel ie ve sub con sciously is what we are creating in our li f e A h but no w the knowledge or t rick that I prom ised you to feel sa fe all the time One must visualize themselves in  H eaven. G iant in body size to all that surround him there.  L ooking do wn on one's p hysical body on the ear thl...

"Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth,

In "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," author and self-made millionaire T. Harv Eker identifies a seemingly harmless daily habit average people engage in that the rich refuse to: complaining. "Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth," Eker writes. When you complain, you're focusing on what is wrong with your life — and what you focus on tends to expand, Eker explains. "Like attracts like," the self-made millionaire writes. "When you are complaining, you are actually attracting 'crap' into your life." This leaves very little room for growth, particularly financial growth.

Life Is Images of the Mind, Expressed

Source: MindTrip Magazine Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality. To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world. You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow. This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to exp...

Why we don't often get what we wish for/Chapter 10 in an online book: ‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,’ by Bronte Baxter.

  This is Chapter 10 in an online book: ‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,’ by Bronte Baxter.   That’s why connecting with subconscious mind, and persuading it to accept our desire, is essential to our wish becoming manifest as reality in the world.  Do I trust my ability to succeed? Does my subconscious believe I am a loser. Do I sabatoge myself with quiet negative self talk that creates fear of doubt? Therefore my conscious desire is not in line with my subconscious beliefs This mental self sabatoge is keeping us from getting what we want and this baggage keeps us from things The first thing is to realize that what looks like lack of personal power is really tremendous power hiding behind the mask of self-doubt. How do we get around this problem of a self-sabotaging, negatively programmed subconscious mind? The first thing is to realize that what looks like lack of personal power is really tremendous power hiding ...


Understand that any judgment about others is hurtful to you and makes your life path much more arduous than it need be. Many think that unspoken judgment about others is not hurtful but actually it is the biggest hurt of all, as it hurts yourself. When your mind is constantly spinning with analyzing situations events and people and condemning others behavior in your mind, you are setting up an attraction to bring much judgement and condemnation of your own actions into your life. To realize that they are as they are, and it is good is a very powerful statement to live and think by. I have included think here as it is a hidden judgement, no one hears you speak of a word of  judgement but the most important person of all is listening and that is your own soul. To judge others action and choices and find that they are wanting is to deny them freedom of choice. And when you deny them freedom of choice you are then saying it is okay for someone else to deny you freedom of choice. ...

Healing Is Therefore Always Your Own

All medicine does only one of two things, it either kick starts the immune system or it is responsible for the amelioration of symptoms. Healing is therefore always your own. The Belly Painting

Your brain is to your spirit as a computer hard drive is to software

Your brain is a machine.   It is a empty machine such as a computer with no software is an empty machine. It is machine like hardware that needs data or input from somewhere else.  And that somewhere else is spirit.  Spirit is the software that runs the computer and your life.

Anger is Either Fear or Frustration

Anger is either fear or frustration. Given this knowledge when one is confronted with an episode of anger, either one's own or someone else's, we can either eliminate the anger by knowing the source, or internalize the knowledge using it as a spiritual growing tool. Lost  

One of The Most Profound Explanation of Creation I Have Listened To

David Icke: “Reality is an Illusion”

All Physical Things Have Their Purpose Inherent in Their Vibration

All physical things have their purpose inherent in their vibration. That is what dharma is. And to be aware and choose dharma is to give it firepower.

Powerful Beyond Measure That is Our Greatest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? – Marianne Williamson

To Enlighten is to Lighten

Desert Sunset / Vanquished Sun - Mitro Enlightenment means making all things light not heavy or dark ever. -Mitro To Enlighten is to Lighten

Esoteric Truth One

There is no hurry to do. Only the joy in doing. Mitro If one follows all the esoteric truths one will live a very happy life. More truths will follow.

Purse Strings

The person who holds the purse strings is in control. Hold your own purse strings.

Metaphysical Reason for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused by the conscious mind being ready and screaming to evolve to higher spiritual level, and thus the energy being blocked by repressing and making the soul remain small attacks the physical body.

All Contact With Others is the Merging of Energy Stream

Vatican - Mitro All contact with others is the merging of energy streams. It is for this reason that the pope touches everyone, merging his god like energy stream with as many as he can. Everything and everyone is always emitting the energy stream that created it, that is what is read by aura readers by physics and by average people who say of someone they dislike "they have bad energy" Change your energy stream and you change your life. Change your  energy stream and you change you, and who you are. Your energy stream must be changed if you want to evolve to a higher spiritual level. The changing of an energy stream involves real energy and sometimes will be uncomfortable see post Why is spiritual awakening so painful?

The Law of Detachment

What we refuse to let go of we cannot enjoy. -Mitro

Supra Consciousness

The Frog Turns His Back on the Triplets or Miss Confidence and The Three Om's Unconscious- Energy that we are not aware of. Conscious- Energy that we are aware of Super conscious- Divine energy that we know can be used to create with. Supra conscious- Actually using the divine energy and creating while in physical form. There is no right or wrong life, but the only meaningful life is one of creation, were one creates something out of nothing.  Whether it is with mind-body (conscious) a building painting, song, a book, or business. Or super creation (supra conscious) using mind to create matter, those who reach the supra conscious level of creations we call masters and they have truly ascended spiritually as high as they can go. These were all the spiritual answers given to me  today when I asked for spiritual help in moving to supra consciousness. -Mitro

Omnibundance - Infinite Abundance

Lines Drawn in the Air Captured on Canvas or The Soul Sings The Song of Creation - Mitro Lack is a blocking of the grid of the solar plexus chakra. It is erroneous thoughts that build up almost like a lint on a clothes dryer filter. The build up of thoughts of unworthiness or thoughts of, if I take it someone else can't have it. It does not let abundance in. Clean the filter by knowing there is only Omnibundance or else the debris will rot and mildew forever blocking the clean flow of energy causing an endless life of lack. Omnibundance- Infinite abundance. It is not unfair to take as much money as you want as long as you don't hoard it and take it out of circulation. No matter how much money you have, by freely spending it, you are making it accessible to all.  Notice I said freely spending, miserly paying of wages is a form of hoarding and is not good energy. -Mitro

Aging is an Artificial Illusion

Mask - Mitro Aging is an artificial allusion to give credence to the error that  time is actually passing while time actually moves in a circular motion and not sequentially, always always always.  So when we age it appears that we are moving through time instead of endlessly circling through it like we do. Aging can be changed by building a new body template. Build in eternal youth, remove the artificial constraint of sequential time passage and you will have eternal youth. -Mitr o

Spirit Does Not Envelop the Body it Emanates From It

Spirit does not envelop the body, rather it emanates from the body. This means spirit goes into the deepest recesses of the human body and the overflow of it spills out into the universe into the aura which is another name for spirit.  The inner spirit is intertwined in every particle of being running the entire physical body Sex is a shortcut to merging two auras but the actual sexual act is not needed to physically merge two auras, it can all be done with the mind. Sex is a shortcut for people who forget how powerful the melding of spirits is. It is a way of remembering the oneness of the spiritual plane. -Mitro  

Greatest Metaphysical Truths of All Time

Horse - Mitro Intentions: The thoughts that I am thinking today, will be the thoughts that I am living in the future. Illness: Anytime you have physical discomfort it always means the same thing. You have a desire that is summoning energy, but you have a belief that is not allowing it to manifest. Forget about others telling you what you should want. Always want and go for whatever  brings you the greatest joy. Choices and Decisions: The correct choice should never make you feel stressful. It should never raise your pulse rate (heart choice),and you should always be at peace when you think about it. Fear: When you fully embrace what you fear the most and turn it into a joy, it loses all power and becomes joy. -Mitro

Ultimate Key to Creation of Bliss

Truth - Mitro Ultimate Key to Creation of Bliss: My inner being is pure positive, so the more positive I am about everything, the more I will match my inner being, the more I will come into alignment with my inner being, the greater my creative powers will become, the higher the spiritual level I will ascend to, the happier and more joyful my life will become and I will keep spiraling upward and upward.