
Showing posts from July, 2016

"Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth,

In "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," author and self-made millionaire T. Harv Eker identifies a seemingly harmless daily habit average people engage in that the rich refuse to: complaining. "Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth," Eker writes. When you complain, you're focusing on what is wrong with your life — and what you focus on tends to expand, Eker explains. "Like attracts like," the self-made millionaire writes. "When you are complaining, you are actually attracting 'crap' into your life." This leaves very little room for growth, particularly financial growth.

Life Is Images of the Mind, Expressed

Source: MindTrip Magazine Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality. To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world. You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow. This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to exp...

Why we don't often get what we wish for/Chapter 10 in an online book: ‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,’ by Bronte Baxter.

  This is Chapter 10 in an online book: ‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,’ by Bronte Baxter.   That’s why connecting with subconscious mind, and persuading it to accept our desire, is essential to our wish becoming manifest as reality in the world.  Do I trust my ability to succeed? Does my subconscious believe I am a loser. Do I sabatoge myself with quiet negative self talk that creates fear of doubt? Therefore my conscious desire is not in line with my subconscious beliefs This mental self sabatoge is keeping us from getting what we want and this baggage keeps us from things The first thing is to realize that what looks like lack of personal power is really tremendous power hiding behind the mask of self-doubt. How do we get around this problem of a self-sabotaging, negatively programmed subconscious mind? The first thing is to realize that what looks like lack of personal power is really tremendous power hiding ...


Understand that any judgment about others is hurtful to you and makes your life path much more arduous than it need be. Many think that unspoken judgment about others is not hurtful but actually it is the biggest hurt of all, as it hurts yourself. When your mind is constantly spinning with analyzing situations events and people and condemning others behavior in your mind, you are setting up an attraction to bring much judgement and condemnation of your own actions into your life. To realize that they are as they are, and it is good is a very powerful statement to live and think by. I have included think here as it is a hidden judgement, no one hears you speak of a word of  judgement but the most important person of all is listening and that is your own soul. To judge others action and choices and find that they are wanting is to deny them freedom of choice. And when you deny them freedom of choice you are then saying it is okay for someone else to deny you freedom of choice. ...

Healing Is Therefore Always Your Own

All medicine does only one of two things, it either kick starts the immune system or it is responsible for the amelioration of symptoms. Healing is therefore always your own. The Belly Painting

Your brain is to your spirit as a computer hard drive is to software

Your brain is a machine.   It is a empty machine such as a computer with no software is an empty machine. It is machine like hardware that needs data or input from somewhere else.  And that somewhere else is spirit.  Spirit is the software that runs the computer and your life.

Anger is Either Fear or Frustration

Anger is either fear or frustration. Given this knowledge when one is confronted with an episode of anger, either one's own or someone else's, we can either eliminate the anger by knowing the source, or internalize the knowledge using it as a spiritual growing tool. Lost