I have made several poor decisions in my life which have had a long term impact on others. How do I overcome my feelings of guilt and regret?

 Aurora Clawson
What if Earth were a school and the classes consisted of these mistakes as a part of the curriculum?   Do you know what real perfection is?  It is the flawless ordering of our lives that places experiences and choice points at our feet.  It is an ordering that soars beyond all scope of seemingly "good" or "bad" appearances, and pierces the heart of a deeper wisdom that arrives where these two polarities meet. 

What do we realize by these mistakes, missteps and regrets?  We gain new understanding of why those actions are not harmonious to the life within us, or to that life to which we are connected in this world.  How else would you have a better understanding right now?  The earth must be torn up to plant new life.  It is the chaos that gives way to new order.  How do humans live out that principle?  They do so in the course of their experiences.  

Here, being torn open and having a new seed planted, we learn about the nature of true harmony and inner balance.  What price would we each pay for alignment with a truth within us so magnificent in depth, that it imparts never ending freedom, wisdom, joy, and love?   This is a perfect Cosmic format for hands on teaching of principles we will never again forget.  We are here to assist one another in learning many things, and we do it mostly by actions that we consider to be mistakes.

Yet, life is a two way street.  What ultimately serves the learning and understanding of one, also MUST serve the good and learning of the other. Such whole concepts are difficult to comprehend in this world in which experiences are presented in seeming fragments of time and space. We see one part of the whole, and judge everything by what that part appears to be.   This is one of the biggest mistakes we make in this Earth school, and one of our most difficult teachers:  Nonjudgment, first of ourselves, and then of others.  So we come here, we make mistakes, we learn by them, and then judge ourselves for making them.  We have deep regrets, even broken hearts for pain we feel we may have caused.  Kahlil Gibran, who wrote, 'The Prophet', says this about pain;

On Pain
Kahlil Gibran
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

Consider that our human selves are but a part of our much larger, immortal selves.  We each are projections from a luminous, radiant soul Consciousness.  We are here to live and to learn.  Our egos would much prefer if they could boast about how perfect our response is at every turn....no regrets for me!  How lovely that would be.  But this is Earth school.  Its messy.  Its deep.  Its pure, concentrated teaching and it is relentless.  We bleed, we cry out in pain, we double over in sorrow, we regret......That is what we are here to FEEL.  That is the depth in which the seed must be planted, and THAT is the depth we agreed to, each one of us before coming here.

So it is best to jump out of our Hallmark cards and the need to appear grand to all whom we meet, and get real about what life feels like when one is on a journey of learning, purging, and reforming oneself into greatness.

As well, what others experience at our hand is a part of their own learning.  This is also an agreement.   There is flawless unfolding order to all we experience.  The illusion is our belief that what does not meet our human expectations is somehow 'wrong'.  

All of this....every single bit of it is in the noble name of honoring a forgotten truth.  And we each will arise from this powerful Earth school changed forever.  We will then thank every single heartbreaking experience for having been. 

So now, forgive yourself for misunderstanding how courageous and wonderful you truly are.  Gather up your new wisdom gained from what you learned from those experiences, and look to the road ahead.  All of life awaits YOU, and any pain you feel you have caused, you will make up a thousand fold for in the wisdom it imparted to you.  You are a warrior, not a victim.

 Aurora Clawson


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