Seth Quotes

Butter Pecan Morphing of Masked Identities 

Seth quotes@mipam

 “The belief in illness itself depends upon a belief in human unworthiness, guilt and imperfection.”

"Telepathic communication is constant. This is usually at an unconscious level merely because your conscious mind is in a state of becoming."

Seth quotes @mipam 27 Dec 2017

“You have the conscious mind for a good reason. You are not at the mercy of unconscious drives unless you consciously acquiesce to them.” Jane roberts

"The man who does not realize his basic independence from the physical system will not have freedom within it." Jane Roberts

 “You can trust your bodies as you can trust your soul. In your reality, the body is the garment that the soul wears.”

 “The sense of division within the self forces you to think that there is a remote, spiritual, wise, intuitive inner self and a bewildered, put-upon, spiritually ignorant, inferior physical self, which happens to be the one you identify with.


“Physical symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another.”

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