Most of us think of being dead and being in Heaven as synon ymous with safety. W hat most do not know is, that we are in Heaven at the same time as we are here in our physical bodies. We a re truly in two places at once. Most believe the soul never dies but the fa ct m any don't know, and have never ever d reamed of is, that ene rgy o r soul is able to be in many places at one time. If we a cknowledge that G od is all creative and i f we a re enlightened to know that we a re G od, it then follows that we a re c re ating our life ourselves. I f our s ubconscious is our link to the creative power of our life it stands to reason. what we bel ie ve sub con sciously is what we are creating in our li f e A h but no w the knowledge or t rick that I prom ised you to feel sa fe all the time One must visualize themselves in H eaven. G iant in body size to all that surround him there. L ooking do wn on one's p hysical body on the ear thl...