What is Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Enlightenment

-Kathy Mitro 
In a nutshell it is euphoria.
By this I mean you are not on the path to awakening.
You have awakened!
 And the euphoric joy that accompanies it is akin to entering Heaven.
Heaven because you have you have raised the level  of your vibration to that of the vibration of undiluted spirit
By undiluted I mean spirit that is pure that is not run through channels of human bodies whose energy is lower than truth because
in awakening you have raised the level of your vibration to match pure truth.
It is not mysterious or hard to understand it does not  have to be cloaked in religious or mystical language of the past.
It is knowing that you as spirit are omnipotent that you and only you are in complete total charge of every event in your life.
That you have the power to change any outcome.
That you have the power to create any happening. 


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