Inspired to react against situations of injustice, violence, and/or unbalance/The difference between hate and anger.

Below is an answer to a comment I made on Quora and I thought the answer was so brilliant that I wanted to post it here so others struggling with the same question and problem can derive as much benefit out of the answer that I did.
The comment was about  synchronicity  and a struggle I was having on believing I was hating the haters
Comment by  Kathy Mitro 
Just had a cool synchronicity thing happen to me. Yesterday I stopped someone from bullying an egret on the beach I felt bad cause I know I must not hate the haters and was dwelling on it how I could stop the hate. 
 Now egrets are the sweetest dearest birds and are pretty solitary sometimes you will see them with another egret most of the times they are loners.
Well I look out my window today and I see a flock of about 30 egrets they fly onto the ground below my window landing and flying as a group for about 10 minutes beautiful sight to watch and I think it was my spiritual guides telling me the birds were saying thank you and not to worry about me going off on the  guy bullying the one on the beach
Answer by  Nuno Desa
The principle of 'not hating the haters' and similar means to convey that you mustn't harbour long-term hatred and preconception ("pet peeve") within yourself towards any specific situation. This is karmic, and it darkens the heart and soul, so to speak.

However, at times you'll be inspired to react against, or at least shed light towards, situations of injustice, violence, and/or unbalance. At those times you'll feel anger (not the same as hatred).

Anger is a natural feeling. It's not necessarily egotistical or materialistic. Anger is not meant to be suppressed on the account it's a 'sinful' feeling to have. It also doesn't imply you *need* to act upon it. But it does show you what you are sensitive about.

Anger allows you to vent the energy within you, putting it in motion, and in some cases, to contribute to restore a degree of balance to the situation you're witnessing. In this sense, that's what te feeling anger is for.

So my guess, based on the shyncronicity you described, is that you did well, you followed your heart, and Spirit was telling you just that.


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